Ornaments are currently available on Etsy. The Scale Wheel will be returning in the future.
Ornaments are currently available on Etsy. The Scale Wheel will be returning in the future.
Spring recital time is around the corner! Recitals are so exciting; I wish that every piece could be polished and every student could find joy in their accomplishments. Paula Bird has an excellent podcast episode about recital preparation; go give it a listen! Some students have a particularly difficult time playing in front of others or moving on from mistakes; the least we can do as parents is ensure that they have adequate preparation. Last night my kid chose the “with interruptions” playthrough where I proceeded to pretend to be a crying baby, snore, talk, and yodel! They found it incredibly funny and somehow kept playing the piece the whole time.
The upper right of the sheet contains two blank months to be used as a mini-countdown. The rest should be self-explanatory. Here’s how we’re using it:
Free to download – please link back to Triatone. Made by Sarah Holbrook.